We see the World
from a different perspective.
Sad irony, the resources that have led us to a complex technological development are the very ones that are leading us towards extreme and highly destructive climate change for our planet.
All governments agree not to raise temperatures by more than 1.5ºC yet, although at this rate we will reach them by 2030.
Advanced Pirolisys System
Desulphuration Technology
White Diesel Production Plant
We build frameworks that respect your Investment and the Planet.
Rakohils starts from a much simpler point of view, LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA).
Thanks to a series of technological implementations, our project is based on the management, recycling and improvement of the EXISTING.
State Of Art
To achieve this goal, alternative energy sources have been devised, Photovoltaic, Wind, etc. Also, to dispose of waste derived from oil refining and Cracking, see plastics, tires etc, everyone has tried to find solutions, sometimes a lot expensive and other decidedly science fiction, such as waste-to-energy plants, plasma torches etc.
Structural Trends
Global Population & Migration Growth
In their latest analysis in 2020, the UN estimated there were approximately 7.7bn people on the planet. By 2030 they project that number will rise to 8.5bn, and reach 10bn by 2050 with cities housing two-thirds of residents. At the same time economic development is supporting a significant rise in the middle class, particularly in Asia.
As living standards rise, demand for commodities is also likely to increase, particularly those metals that are used in consumer goods and infrastructure development such as copper and iron ore, aluminium.
These trends will drive demand for resources and ultimately the technology that helps to produce them.
As the world transitions to a low carbon economy it will require a
significant increase in future-facing commodities such as copper,
lithium and nickel that are essential to electrifying energy and
transport. An electric car for instance requires four times the copper content of an internal combustion car engine. In contrast, coal
demand is declining as power generation increasingly develops
alternative sources of energy.
Companies are also setting targets to reduce their environmental impact as they prioritise ‘Net Zero’ emissions from operations driving future demand for technologies that reduce energy, water and waste.
By 2030, there could be 300 million tons of plastic in the oceans. A new report from WWF International warns that the amount of plastic waste in the world’s oceans will reach 300 million tons by 2030. According to the researchers, plastic pollution will likely double over the next decade and nearly a third of all plastic produced will make its way into the environment.
The experts found that only around 20 percent of plastic is recycled globally, while 39 percent ends up in the landfill and 15 percent is incinerated. The study also revealed that carbon dioxide emissions from burned plastic will triple by 2030.
We are highly
focused on our & your goals.
We produce highly engineered equipment that is designed to solve some of our customers toughest operating challenges.
Our equipment is mission-critical to our customers. If it fails, the production can stop, making us vital technology partners and capable to act by remote.
Our customers rely on us to provide them with the technology they need quickly and efficiently, supported by our global service network.
Our technology is used waste and fuels applications that generates recurring demand for aftermarket spares and services.